Solar Installation

During the fall of 2019 ReVision Energy installed our 400 solar panels. This project was paid for with generous donations from our Co-op Owners.The following gallery are pictures from the ReVision Energy team and our marketing team.


 Construction Gallery

Every great project needs documentation so that future generations can look back and see how much effort it took. Luckily for the Co-op, we have Tim Seabrook, a local farmer, Co-op Member, Investor, and amateur photographer. Tim has taken on the task of capturing the stages of our project over the months of construction. Most days he walks from his house to the site and takes several dozen pictures. The best of the bunch, he sends to us. We also have some great pictures taken by our General Manager, Kevin Gadsby. We’ve been using these photographs for our social media and e-blasts, but we also wanted to show them somewhere special, where people could see the full progression. So, here we have it, a record of our great work.